Create & Manage Arianee Events

Methods related to event management.

Create Arianee Event

Create and link an Arianee Event to an NFT and store its content on the Arianee Privacy Gateway.


Your wallet must own at least 1 arianeeEvent credit. The credit is spent when the Arianee Event is accepted.

creator.createAndStoreEvent(data, overrideTransaction?:NonPayableOverrides)
data β†’ uri❌StringArianee event uri.
data β†’ smartAssetIdβœ…StringIdentification number of the recipient NFT.
data β†’ arianeeEventId❌StringIdentification number of the Arianee Event. If not defined, a random ID is generated.
data β†’ imprint❌StringArianee event imprint.
data β†’ content❌ObjectContent of the Arianee Event.
overrrides❌gasPrice, gasLimit, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityPerGasAllows you to override the gas/gasprice part to be able to move transactions through more quickly if needed.


const core = Core.fromRandom();
const creator = new Creator({
  creatorAddress: '', 
  core: core,
const isConnected = await creator.connect('polygon');
if (isConnected) {
  await creator.buyCredit(CreditType.event, 1);
    smartAssetId: 12343,
    eventId: 1232143,
    content: {},
  }); // return message imprint + messageId


  • The Arianee Event has been created.
  • An error may occur.
Error typeDescription
InsufficientMessageCreditsErrorThe core wallet address does not have enough message credits.
UnavailableEventIdErrorThe eventId is not available.
NoIdentityErrorThe core wallet address does not have an Identity URI.
ArianeePrivacyGatewayErrorError while interacting with the Arianee Privacy Gateway.

Create Arianee Event without content storing

Method for test purposes.


Your wallet must own at least 1 arianeeEvent credit. The credit is spent when the Arianee Event is accepted.


creator.createAndStoreEvent(CreateEventParameter, overrideTransaction?:NonPayableOverrides)
uri❌StringArianee event uri.
smartAssetIdβœ…StringIdentification number of the recipient NFT.
arianeeEventId❌StringIdentification number of the Arianee Event. If not defined, a random ID is generated.
imprint❌StringArianee event imprint.
overrrides❌gasPrice, gasLimit, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityPerGasAllows you to override the gas/gasprice part to be able to move transactions through more quickly if needed.


  • The Arianee Event has been created and linked to the smartAssetId.
  • An error may occur.
Error typeDescription
InsufficientEventCreditsErrorThe wallet core address does not have enough event credits.
UnavailableEventIdErrorThe eventId is not available.