Retrieve Brand Identity

Methods related to the identity management.

Get identities from a chain type

Get identities owned by a user on a given chain type.


chainTypetestnet or mainnetReturn identities owned by the user on testnet or mainnet.
languagefr-fr, en-US...Language(s) returned in order of preference.

Result: promise returns an array of all the identity information owned by the user on the chain.

[{ data: { address: '0x90d181a3e977E8CcD7822B711Bb3A83E79beaEFF', imprint: '0x67b57a673e6903805146ca125140631293e78e1866a058c61a779ec64f61db2d', isApproved: true, isAuthentic: true, content: ArianeeBrandIdentityI18N, rawContent: ArianeeBrandIdentityI18N, protocol: { name: 'testnet', chainId: 77 }, ownedCount: 3 } }]

Get identity from the issuer

wallet.identity.get(issuer, i18nStrategy?:useLanguages)
issuerStringAddress of the brand identity to retrieve its content.
protocolNameStringProtocol identity.
If empty, default value: polygon
languagefr-fr, en-US...Language(s) returned in order of preference.

Result: promise returns an object with the identity information for the identity whose address is the issuer.

{ data: { address: '0x90d181a3e977E8CcD7822B711Bb3A83E79beaEFF', imprint: '0x67b57a673e6903805146ca125140631293e78e1866a058c61a779ec64f61db2d', isApproved: true, isAuthentic: true, content: ArianeeBrandIdentityI18N, rawContent: ArianeeBrandIdentityI18N, protocol: { name: 'testnet', chainId: 77 }, ownedCount: 3 } }

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