Mint Soulbound NFT
Your brand may want to tokenize some data through NFTs such as membership and loyalty of your customers, however, these data must not be transferable. To do so, you can mint Soulbound – not transferable – tokens.
The creation request is initiated by your brand wallet. The issuer of an NFT is also its first owner. Since an NFT including content makes more sense, multiple pieces of information can be specified when creating an NFT.
NFT content may include names, information, pictures, videos, links, and so on. To integrate this content, you need a file compliant with the NFT Schema.
Once created and minted, the imprint of the NFT and the transaction details relating to the creation can be seen on the blockchain. Each minted NFT has a unique identification number recorded on the blockchain.
Be aware that once your ERC-721 contract is deployed for your new NFTs collection, you cannot reverse to transferable NFTs.
Minting or reserving an NFT is free for validated sponsored Brand ID.
However, when a user requests the ownership of an NFT, the stable price in fiat currency is 0.1 USD payable only in $ARIA20 by the issuer.
Extra fees may apply if the NFT issuer outsources the NFT creation to a third party or uses an external software.
Extra features
- Reserve NFTs: Depending on your process and use case, you may want to reserve specific NFT IDs. In that case, 1 credit is spend per ID reserved and gas when the NFT is hydrated. For more information, see the related documentation.
- Optional - Recover: In the lifecycle of your Brand NFTs, tokens will be claimed by your customers or community. When your customers need to transfer the NFTs in a new wallet, your brand benefits a transfer program.
For more flexibility, as a builder, you can decide enable or disable the recover depending on your use case requirement.

Recovery workflow
The creation can be done using the API integration with Arianee SDK or directly at the blockchain level interacting with smart contracts. The NFT issuer can develop its own interface, outsource the development to a third party or use an external interface such as the Arianee NFT Management Platform.
Our team tips
For smooth experience when minting and distributing your NFTs, we recommend to be mindful of:
- On-chain transaction latency.
- The design and content of your NFT to avoid update that leads to extra cost in credits and potentially confusing NFT history for the owners.
Select the right interface and infrastructure:
- Security & reliability.
- Building exhaustive NFT.
- Storing the content.
- Ensuring security and privacy of blockchain transactions.
Updated over 1 year ago