Manage Digital Passport

Methods related to digital passport data collection.

Retrieve owned digital passport(s) for a user

Retrieve the digital passports owned by a user in the wallet associated.


wallet.smartAsset.getOwned(onlyFromBrands?, i18nStrategy?:useLanguages)
languageen-US, fr-FR...Language(s) returned in order of preference.
onlyFromBrandsStringAllows to return digital passports owned by the user and issued by the issuer's identity only.

Return Payload

promise returns an array with the digital passport's information.

ArianeeProductCertificateI18NDigital passport Schema.
BlockchainEvent[]Gathering of transaction events of the token recorded on the blockchain.
Event[]Event Schema.
    data: {
      certificateId: '58824256',
      content: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      rawContent: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      blockchainEvents: BlockchainEvent[],
      imprint: '0xce917f8d652187e7bf162b2c05d4b5439cef04142795eb6e5d2283b6193b8e88',
      isAuthentic: true,
      isRequestable: false,
      issuer: '0x90d181a3e977E8CcD7822B711Bb3A83E79beaEFF',
      owner: '0xa9bc90d24d0b8495043ab5857455444630028caf',
      protocol: { name: "testnet"; chainId: 77 }
    arianeeEvents: Event[]

Retrieve digital passport from ID

Retrieve a specific digital passport.


wallet.smartAsset.get(protocol, {id: nftId, passphrase?: passphrase}, i18nStrategy?:useLanguages)
nftIdNumberIdentification number of the digital passport.
passphraseStringA passphrase of the digital passport.
Param optional is you are the owner of the digital passport.
protocolmainnet or testnetBlockchain network of the digital passport ID.
languageen-US, fr-FR...Language(s) returned in order of preference.

Result: promise returns an object with the digital passport information.

ArianeeProductCertificateI18NDigital Passport Schema.
BlockchainEvent[]Gathering of transaction events of the token recorded on the blockchain.
Event[]Event Schema.
    data: {
      certificateId: '58824256',
      content: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      rawContent: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      blockchainEvents: BlockchainEvent[],
      imprint: '0xce917f8d652187e7bf162b2c05d4b5439cef04142795eb6e5d2283b6193b8e88',
      isAuthentic: true,
      isRequestable: false,
      issuer: '0x90d181a3e977E8CcD7822B711Bb3A83E79beaEFF',
      owner: '0xa9bc90d24d0b8495043ab5857455444630028caf',
      protocol: { name: "testnet"; chainId: 77 }
    arianeeEvents: Event[]

Retrieve digital passport from the link

Retrieve the content and data from the deep link of a specific digital passport.


wallet.smartAsset.getFromLink(link, resolveFinalNft?, i18nStrategy?)
linkStringDeeplink of the digital passport →,passphrase
resolveFinalNftBoolean- true: try to add the Arianee Access Token in the request.- false: get the landing digital passport.
languageen-US, fr-FR...Language(s) returned in order of preference.

Return Payload

promise returns an object with the NFT information.

ArianeeProductCertificateI18NDigital Passport Schema.
BlockchainEvent[]Gathering of transaction events of the token recorded on the blockchain.
Event[]Event Schema.
    data: {
      certificateId: '58824256',
      content: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      rawContent: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      blockchainEvents: BlockchainEvent[],
      imprint: '0xce917f8d652187e7bf162b2c05d4b5439cef04142795eb6e5d2283b6193b8e88',
      isAuthentic: true,
      isRequestable: false,
      issuer: '0x90d181a3e977E8CcD7822B711Bb3A83E79beaEFF',
      owner: '0xa9bc90d24d0b8495043ab5857455444630028caf',
      protocol: { name: "testnet"; chainId: 77 }
    arianeeEvents: Event[]

Create ownership request link


wallet.smartAsset.createRequestLink(network, tokenId, passphrase?)
networkStringNetwork of the digital passport.
tokenIdNumberArianee token ID of the digital passport.
passphraseStringToken request passphrase.
This param is optional if you are the digital passport owner.
const wallet = new Wallet({ chainType: 'mainnet' });
const nft = await wallet.smartAsset.getOwned();
const proofLink = await nft[0].createProofLink();

Return Payload

The ownership link is returned.

Create proof link


wallet.smartAsset.createProofLink(network, tokenId, passphrase?)
networkStringNetwork of the digital passport.
tokenIdNumberArianee token ID of the digital passport.
passphraseStringToken request passphrase.
This param is optional if you are the digital passport owner.
const wallet = new Wallet({ chainType: 'mainnet' });
const nft = await wallet.smartAsset.getOwned();
const proofLink = await nft[0].createProofLink();

Return Payload

The proof of ownership link is returned.

Claim digital passport


wallet.smartAsset.claim(network, tokenId, passphrase, receiver?)
networkStringNetwork of the digital passport.
tokenIdNumberArianee token ID of the digital passport.
passphraseStringToken request passphrase.
This param is optional if you are the digital passport owner.
receiverStringRecipient wallet of the digital passport.
const wallet = new Wallet({ chainType: 'mainnet' });
const nft = await wallet.smartAsset.getFromLink(",bnj9vdx3kbhj");
await nft.claim();

Return Payload

The transaction request is sent to the blockchain.

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Transfer digital passport

Transfer a digital passport from the owner's wallet to another.


wallet.smartAsset.transfer(receiver: string)
receiverStringThe wallet address of the receiver.

Return Payload

promise returns the transaction receipt.