Declare as Missing or Stolen

The digital passport issuer can declare a product as missing or stolen.


  • If you set a digital passport as stolen, the missing status is automatically set as true.
  • If you unset a digital passport stolen status, the missing status is not automatically set as false.

Check if digital passport status is set as missing


smartAssetIdStringDigital passport identification number.

Return Payload

promise returns the digital passport missing status with boolean:

  • true: the digital passport status is set as missing.
  • false: the digital passport status is not set as missing.

Check if digital passport status is set as stolen


smartAssetIdStringDigital passport identification number.

Return Payload

promise returns the digital passport missing status with boolean:

  • true: the digital passport status is set as stolen.
  • false: the digital passport status is not set as stolen.

Set or unset missing status


smartAssetIdStringTarget digital passport identification number.
isMissingBooleantrue: Set the status as missing.
false: Unset the missing status.
overridesgasPrice, gasLimit, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityPerGasAllows you to override the gas/gasprice part to be able to move transactions through more quickly if needed.

Return Payload

promise returns the smartAssetId and the new missing status of the digital passport.

Set or unset stolen status


smartAssetIdStringTarget digital passport identification number.
isStolenBooleantrue: Set the status as stolen.
false: Unset the stolen status.
overridesgasPrice, gasLimit, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityPerGasAllows you to override the gas/gasprice part to be able to move transactions through more quickly if needed.

Return Payload

promise returns the smartAssetId and the new stolen status of the digital passport.