Arianee Access Token
JSON Web Token manages permission to access and interact with specific features, services, or content within the Arianee ecosystem, providing a secure and decentralized authentication mechanism.
Arianee Event
A timestamped event linked to a digital passport to highlight a significant event in the lifecycle of the digital asset or the physical product.
Arianee Link
Link that points to a digital passport. Example:,q57vb4bkexlr
Arianee Privacy Gateway
A secure gateway that enables users to control access to their data and decide how it is shared within the Arianee ecosystem while maintaining their privacy.
Brand Identity
Verified, authentic, and recorded the identity of a brand integrating all relevant information.
Transfer the ownership of an NFT from the issuer to an end-user.
Decentralized Platform
In the Blockchain context, a decentralized platform means that there is no centralized data storage mechanism. The information is available to all the participants on the blockchain.
Digital Product Passport
Digital product passports (DPP) aim to collect information on a product and share it with all stakeholders, including end-customers.
Decentralized messages are secure and unique digital messages, containing information about a physical item or asset, issued on the blockchain for enhanced traceability and authenticity.
Full Privacy
Full Privacy refers to the complete assurance of confidentiality, anonymity, and control over personal information in all aspects of digital interactions.
A Non-Fungible Token is a type of cryptographic token that represents a unique digital or real-world asset and isn't interchangeable.
Arianee Protocol’s feature allows a smart-assets issuer to get back the ownership of a distributed digital passport. Use case example: Physical product returned to the store, so the digital twin is recovered.
Smart Asset
An NFT smart contract is a contract on the Ethereum blockchain that implements lines of code which then creates a list of items that someone owns, known as smart assets. The Arianee protocol is composed of that contract.
Smart Contract
A blockchain smart contract is a collection of code — its functions — and data — its states — recorded on a specific blockchain address. Smart contracts are self-executing and render transactions traceable and irreversible.
The Smart Asset Sharing Token (SST) is a token allowing the operation of a Transfer Permit. If the SST is valid, the third party can operate a transfer without being the owner.
Transfer Permit
The transfer permit is a solution designed as a token to facilitate connectivity between Arianee protocol features and third-party entities like resellers and marketplaces. This permit allows third parties to operate a transfer without being the digital passport owner.
Updated 4 months ago