Build Wallet

As a builder, you want to build your own multi-chains compliant wallet on multiple chains.


Wallet Methods

Claim NFT


wallet.smartAsset.claim(network, tokenId, passphrase, receiver?)
networkStringβœ…Network of the NFT.
tokenIdNumberβœ…Arianee token ID of the NFT.
passphraseStringβœ…Token request passphrase.
This param is optional if you are the NFT owner.
receiverString❌Recipient wallet of the NFT.
import { Wallet } from '@arianee/wallet';

(async () => {
  const wallet = new Wallet({ chainType: 'testnet', auth: { mnemonic: '' } });
  const nft = await wallet.smartAsset.getFromLink('');
  await nft.claim();

Return Payload

The transaction request is sent to the blockchain.

Retrieve NFT(s)

Retrieve NFTs owned by a wallet and the content associated with these tokens.


wallet.smartAsset.getOwned(onlyFromBrands?:string[], i18nStrategy?:{useLanguages?: string[]})
languageen-US, fr-FR...❌Language(s) returned in order of preference.
chainTypetestnet or mainnetβœ…Blockchain network of the NFT ID.
brandsString❌Allows to return NFTs owned by the user and issued by the brand(s) only.

Return Payload

promise returns an array with the NFTs information.

ArianeeProductCertificateI18NNFT Schema.
BlockchainEvent[]Gathering of transaction events of the token recorded on the blockchain.
Event[]Event Schema.
    data: {
      certificateId: '58824256',
      content: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      rawContent: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N,
      blockchainEvents: BlockchainEvent[],
      imprint: '0xce917f8d652187e7bf162b2c05d4b5439cef04142795eb6e5d2283b6193b8e88',
      isAuthentic: true,
      isRequestable: false,
      issuer: '0x90d181a3e977E8CcD7822B711Bb3A83E79beaEFF',
      owner: '0xa9bc90d24d0b8495043ab5857455444630028caf',
      protocol: { name: "testnet"; chainId: 77 }
    arianeeEvents: Event[]

Generate proof of ownership


wallet.smartAsset.createProofLink(network, tokenId, passphrase?)
networkStringβœ…Network of the NFT.
tokenIdNumberβœ…Arianee token ID of the NFT.
passphraseStringβœ…Token request passphrase.
This param is optional if you are the NFT owner.
const wallet = new Wallet({ chainType: 'mainnet' });
const nft = await wallet.smartAsset.getOwned();
const proofLink = await nft[0].createProofLink();

Return Payload

The proof of ownership link is returned.

Retrieve dMessages

Retrieve the data and content of dMessages for a given chain type and NFTs owned by a wallet.


wallet.message.getReceived(i18nStrategy?:{useLanguages?: string[]})
languageen-US, fr-FR...❌Language(s) returned in order of preference.

Return Payload

promise returns an array with messages information.

    data: {
      id: '238153639',
      certificateId: '86429342',
      content: ArianeeMessageI18N,
      rawContent: ArianeeMessageI18N,
      imprint: 'TODO',
      isRead: true,
      protocol: { name: "testnet"; chainId: 77 }
      receiver: '0xa9bc90d24d0b8495043ab5857455444630028caf',
      sender: '0xb908b66915ecd1ec31e669adc9c71bdce44ec601',
      timestamp: 1682609160


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